Social Fundraising

Do you want to raise money for your mission by getting volunteers to ask their peer networks for donations, but aren’t sure where to start? Will social fundraising help you do that? And just what is “social fundraising,” anyway?

Social Fundraising: Mining the New Peer-to-Peer Landscape by Katrina VanHuss and Otis Fulton, Ph.D. will help you understand why yesterday’s “peer-to-peer” is today’s “social fundraising.” You’ll learn how they’re different and how they’re the same.

Social Fundraising is a knowledge bridge between traditional peer-to-peer fundraising and the new ways social fundraising is happening.

Social fundraising has evolved from people walking around neighborhoods with coin cans to sending emails via non-profit-licensed fundraising platforms, people asking their friends for money on social media, and content creators livestreaming to their audiences to help with fundraising. Going forward, how you fundraise will continue to change.

You’ll learn the tactical elements of social fundraising and the “why” behind the reasons it is so successful. Social Fundraising calls out the underlying forces at work so that you can build any social fundraising effort you want, on any platform, using any activity—or no activity at all.

You’ll come to understand what people really want when they support your mission and what motivates them to want to help you. Some of the reasons may come as a surprise! Spoiler alert: it turns out that when you focus more on your supporters and less on your mission, you wind up raising more money.

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