Alongside Groups

Alongside Groups are online, monthly meetings of small peer groups who support each other over time.  

Here are the bones of the thing: 

  • Only 5-7 people absolute max can have a meaningful conversation on screen. 

  • Cameras are on; email window diminished; phone put away; liquid refreshment important.

  • Monthly is good for creating long term, meaningful relationships, and getting timely help.

  • Showing up shows respect, as other people show up for you.

  • If you need help between meetings, these people lean in.

  • The Gestalt Language Protocol, about which we are sticklers and apply at Convenings too, is even more important online. 

Alongside Groups are about support in hard times and celebration in good times. Whether you are worried about fundraising solutions, building community, donor acquisition, your mean boss…it’s okay to talk about in your Alongside.

The discussions are tightly facilitated to focus on specific experiences that are relevant to your current struggles. Each group member has a job very much like yours, on purpose. Your group members will listen, ask questions, and reflect on their experiences related to your issues.

As students of human behavior and social good, Alongside Groups and Convenings have given us at Turnkey the gift of insight after listening to people like you for decades.

Alongsides are an integral part of the Turnkey For Good Community experience. Let us know if you want in by completing the form below.