Guess Where the Money Is: Communities or Events?

For years social good has produced a plethora of events – fully systemizing the effort to produce more and more revenue. Except, it didn’t work. Acquisition kept getting harder. Retention kept getting lower. Event leadership kept losing their jobs. Why? Turns out we were systematizing the wrong thing. We should have been systematizing the building of communities. Communities sometimes hold events. Events rarely hold communities. We had it backward and our results prove it. Watch below to gain a full understanding of the psychological difference between a community and an event, and the likely outcomes of each. Learn why identity is an important part of community building, and why events don’t use identity nearly as well, impacting event financial results and lifetime donor/fundraiser value.


Community, It’s a Verb: How Penn State Students Systematize Community Building to Raise Millions in THON


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the P2P World